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Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Why LCD Monitors has more power-efficient

Last year, when Robert Mitchell, Computerworld journalist, worked to reduce the energy consumption of your home office, never imagined he would find this.
"The result was shocking. According to an energy audit of my own office, I calculated that my teams added a cost of $ 112 to my annual electricity bill or 8.5% to the total consumption of my private residence. Last year, the computer equipment in my home office consumed 803 kilowatts of power per hour, with a direct impact on the emission of 403 kilos of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. "
But the funny thing is that as a result of changes introduced Mitchell on their computers and work habits, he realized that "during the next year would consume 645 kilowatts per hour less, cut $ 90 delivery bill power and reduce the share of CO2 emissions to 715 pounds in the use of energy. That is a commitment to efficient use of energy I can accomplish. "
After all, all this may sound like a small change, but multiply the results of Mitchell for approximately the 36 million home offices that use computers and communications in the U.S. only. U. That's a lot of energy saving.
Moreover, by the way, saving energy must not endanger the quality or performance of their teams. In fact, it is difficult to make the best of both: high product performance and energy savings.
How you can start:
1. Measure your team. You can not be more energy efficient without knowing what position you are. An energy audit is something you can do yourself, with the help of an economic measuring device, such as the Kill A Watt meter from P3 International Corporation. The device, which retails for $ 39.99, connects to an outlet and has a plug to connect your own device to monitor. Among other things, the device displays power consumption in watts and tracks cumulative consumption over time in kilowatt hours.
2. Improve Power Management Energy Star Energy Star is a government program designed by the Environmental Protection Agency United States to support the introduction and use of energy efficient products. The new specifications for Energy Star computers became effective. When buying electronic equipment, always look for the Energy Star label, but keep in mind that energy costs are determined by their working habits, which include as simple as making sure that the power management system of your computer is properly programmed and running. Experts say that simply activate the "sleep mode" on your computer and your desktop display could do to save about 900 kilowatt hours of electricity each year. See the instructions easy to follow on enabling Energy Star power management systems in most operating systems equipment.
3. Unplug it. While it is good to start with the power management system of your computer, unplug it when not in use is even better.The reason is that most devices consume power even when turned off.
4. Consider changing to a laptop. The research institute on energy efficiency Rocky Mountain Institute made the following calculations: "Laptops save large amounts of energy than desktop computers ... They consume 14 to 25 watts while on and, most, 1 or 2 watts in sleep mode. Using a laptop could save between 40 and 100 watts, depending on the desktop computer to replace. "
5. That your next monitor is an LCD. The liquid crystal display (LCD) typically use between half and two thirds less electricity than the screens of cathode ray tube (CRT) of the same size. LCD monitors with the Energy Star label are able to save even more. Moving from a CRT to an Energy Star-certified LCD also will save between $ 10 and $ 30 per year in electricity costs. Some Energy Star partners have useful Web-based calculators that are able to quickly calculate the potential benefits of purchasing an LCD monitor.
While buying more efficient electronic devices can save energy and money, is more efficient to change the way of using computers. If you change some of their usage patterns, and unplug the computer, you can often save more energy than is replaced by a more efficient.
As Computerworld Mitchell noted in his own experiment on the ecological use of computers, "My most significant savings were due to simple changes. I replaced or eliminated inefficient equipment and changed how to configure and use."

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